Unit ;5   Revision    3rd  Year Secondary  Term 1     Grammar

Revising the Present Simple Tense

     (  1  ) -Rewrite the following making the dark words plural .

e.g. 1- A planet reflects light .  Planets reflect light .

a-            A star radiates light  . Stars ………………………………………………………..

b-           Does a planet orbit the sun ? Do………………………………………………………………………………?

c-            There is a planet in the Solar System .

There are ……………………………………………………………………….. .


       (  2  ) - Put the verbs in the correct form .

a- I ………………………. at school .     ( be )

b- I …………………….. interested in stares .   ( be )

c- Our sun …………………… a star . (  be )

d- Galaxies ……………………… large groups of stars .  ( be )

e- We …………………… not able to see other galaxies .  (  be )


          (  3  ) - Make the following sentences negatives .

e.g. 1 - A planet is star  .   A planet  is not a star .

a-         Star reflects  light . Star ……….. …………………….. light .

b-         A planet radiates light .  A planet  ……………………………….. light .


          (  4  ) - Make- these sentences passive .

e.g.  1- Planets reflect light .   Light is not reflected by planets .

1-            Satellites orbit planets . 


2-            Stars do not reflect light .


3-            Do stars radiate light ?



       (  5  ) – Make these sentences into questions :

e.g. 1- Stars reflect light . Stars do not reflect light , do they  ?   No , they do not .

a-         Stars radiate light , …………………………………… ?  Yes , they do .

b-         Planets don’t radiate light , …………………….……. ?  No , ………………….. .

c-         There is only one star in the solar system , …………………..? Yes, …………..

d-         There aren’t people on Venus , ………..………..……. ? No, ….….……..………








Unit ;5   Revision    3rd  Year Secondary  Term 1 1422 / 1423 A.H   Writing book


e.g.   1- This is Umar`s book .          2- These are the boys` books .

   (  1  ) – Rewrite the following adding apostrophes .

a-    That is his fathers car .  ………………………………………………………………

b-    Those are their fathers cars .  ………………………………………………………..

c-    Marss temperature is not the same as Venuss , is it ?  No, its-30C.




       B – Spelling .

   (  2  ) – Re – write the following adding     (  S  )


a- life  ______________       b- watch ______________    c- potato __________


d- apple  _____________    e- family  _____________    f-  fish _____________



g- foot  ___________     h- tooth  ______________     i- man _____________