Unit ; 1   Revision  3rd   Year Secondary   Term 1 Vocabulary

Word Study:

average  (n) = a number you get by adding , and then dividing.

demand (n) = a need for something.

fraction (n)= a part or parts of a whole or number.

lake (n)= a large area water surrounded by land.

lie (v)= say something false .

mistake (n)= something which is not correct .

unusable (adj)= cannot be used .

source = (n ) origin

       Give the opposites

appear  X disappear

dry  X  wet

different  X the same

usable   X  unusable

remote  X near

slowly  X quickly

     Choose the correct word

1- demand      2- lie      3- unusable     4- power station     5- evaporate     6- sky  

7- rest      8- source      9- nearly

a-The thief said that he had not taken the money but he ………………………. .

b- Many …………………… …… use oil for fuel .

c- It is good to see falcon flying high in the …………………………………  .

d- My sandals are so old that they are …………………………………. .

e- 30 people passed the test . The ………………………… failed .

f- If you spill petrol on the ground, it quickly …………………………. .

g- It’s 12.59 . It’s ………………………. one o’clock.

h- The  …………………….for soft drinks increases in hot weather .

i- The sea is a good  …………………    of food .

        Match the following ;

a- source                     (          )  unusable.

b- mistake                   (          ) say something false.

c- fraction                    (          ) origin.

d- cannot be used       (          )  not correct .

e- lie                            (          ) a part of number .


         Choose the correct word:

a-    ………………………… is a large area of water surrounded by land.

                                                                    (   River       -       Lake      -      Sea   )

b-    ………………………….. is a number you get by adding , and then dividing .

                                                                          (    Average       -         Fraction    )


Unit ; 1   Revision  3rd   Year Secondary   Term 1 Grammar

                   Complete the following with short answers :

e.g.   1-  Did Islam reach China by sea and land ?    Yes , it did .

2-      Is Islam the religion of about 15 million Chinese today ?  Yes , it is .


 a- Are they spread all over the country ?      Yes ,  ………………….. .

 b- Do they all look the same ?                       No ,  ……………………………… .

 c- Did Ibn Battuta grow up in Tangier  ?       Yes , …………………………. .

 d- Did he stay there all his life  ?                   No , ………………………. . 

 e- Should we be grateful to him ?                 Yes ,  ……………………….  .

         Make the questions to ask for the missing information ,

  e.g.   1- Smoking affects  ………….

               What does smoking affect   ?

           2- Researchers have concluded …………………….

                What  have researchers concluded ?

a-    Tests are done ………………..

Where  ………………………………………………………….…………………. ?

b-    He is able to choose …………..

What  ………………………………………………………………………………. ?

c-    He was expected to ……………….

When ………………………………………………………………………………  ?

             Rewrite the following sentences adding  (  capital letters  )

1-      i saw mr. Al-ali on khalid street last thursday  in march .






          Rewrite the following adding  ( full stop  ).

2-      At 10 a m Mrs Zaidi went to look at a new house  and she returned at 11 



             Rewrite the following  adding  ( commas  ).

3-Clothes plastic toys cars roads furniture and building all contain hydrocarbons .





         Rewrite the following paragraph after correcting the mistakes ;

The sun shines on the sea . Tiny drops of water

evaporate from it they rise into the sky and sometimes from clouds. When the drops become too heavy .

rain falls. Some of the water drains underground












Unit ; 1   Revision  3rd   Year Secondary   Term, Composition

Using the table below, write a composition of no less than (60) words about
 The Water Cycle

1- heat  …sun … water evaporate .. sea

5- becomes  …….  river  

2-  rise   …..  sky   …..  clouds

6- goes  … reservoir    … dam

3- drops of water …blown over  .. land

7-use …houses .. drinking, washing 

     and   toilet

4- become too heavy …. rain falls



The Water Cycle

          The heat of the sun makes tiny drops of water evaporate from the sea . They rise into the sky and sometimes from clouds. The clouds are some times blown over the land . When the drops become too heavy , rain falls.  The water becomes a river. It goes into a reservoir behind a dam . It is used in people’s houses for washing , drinking and for the toilet.

1-    heat

2-    sun

3-    drops

4-    evaporate

5-    rise

6-    sky

7-    blown

8-    land

9-    fall

10-           river

11-           reservoir

12-           dam

13-           toilet


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