Unit 1 ; Revision  2nd  year  Secondary   Term  1  Vocabulary



Complete the  following  conversation ;


            ( help  -  Defense   -   engine   -  shop   -  Street    -    fire   -  time   ) 

Operator  : Civil ………………….   Can I ………………… you ?

Boy          :  Yes , there is a …………………. on fire .

                      Please, send a fire …………………… quickly ,

Operator  : What is your name , please  ? 

Boy           :   Mohammad Al Ahmad .

Operator  :  Where is the ……………….  exactly ?

Boy           ;    On the corner of Sixteenth  ………………. and Fifteenth Street , near

                                   the  bank .

                   Don’t waste any …………………. .


Word study


deal with (v)= do something about .  e.g.  Doctors deal with sick people .

experiment (v)= to try , to test something to see what happen .

extremely ( adv) = very .

in addition (phr ) = also .

operator (n)= a person who operates  machines .

out in the open (phr)= outside , not inside a building .

rank (n)= a person’s place in the Police.

rescue (n)= (v)= to make someone safe from danger .

spill (v)= to come out = fall out accidentally .

trap (v)= to catch someone so that he cannot get away .




dangerous  x safe

fast  x slow

different  X  the same

inside  x outside

start  X  finish

better  X worse

   Choose the correct word

1- put out     2- tour   3- deal with  4- spill   5- rank    6- preposition    7- minimum

8- on the job     9-  extremely    10 – operator        

a-    Doctors ………………………….. sick people .

b-    What’s his …………………….. in the army  ?  He’s a major .

c-    Firemen usually ……………………. fires with water .

d-    Next  holiday , we are going to ……………………. All cities of Saudi Arabia.

e-    The …………………. age for joining  the army is 17 .

f-      The journey took an …………………… long time .

g-    Ask telephone …………………….. to connect you to that number .

h-    When milk ……………… out of a glass, it comes out accidentally .

i-       Firemen have training at the Civil Defense Institute and …………………………  .

j-       The …………………………. in the sentence is the word  in .


Match the following ;


a- out in the open       (             )  come out accidentally

b- extremely               (             )  also

c- in addition               (             )  very

d – spill                       (             )  outside

e- rank                        (             )  to try

f- experiment              (             )  a person’s place in the Police .

Unit 1 ; Revision  2nd  year  Secondary    Term  1    1422/1423  A.H   Grammar



Giving Instructions


e.g.     Cross                                                   Do not cross

           Send a fire engine quickly                   Do not waste any time .

           Please hurry                                        Do not worry


You can make the sentences above stronger by using

                      Always               or               Never    

  e.g.              Always hurry                        Never waste any time


a-    Make the following stronger .

1- Don’t smoke    ……………………………………………….

2- Send a fire engine quickly .    ……………………………………………………….

3- Don’t cross .  ……………………………………………………  .



If     +     Instructions


            If    +    present,      …………. future

e.g.     If you eat too much ,you will become fat .

1- If you drive to fast , the police   ( stop )   you . Correct



        If      +      present       ……………. instruction


e.g.     If the traffic light is red , do not go .

           If you want to hear the news , turn on the radio .


Complete .  1-  If you are under 17 , ………………………………….. .  ( drive )


                   2- If you need a fire engine , ………………………………… (  call ).

         Instruction        +        if        +       present

 e.g.      If the traffic light is red , don’t go .

    or      Don’t  go if the traffic light is red .


Write the following in another way .


1-    If you see a fire , don’t waste any time .


2-    Call the Police if you have an accident .


3-    If you want to know the time , phone 963 .



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