
Class: 3rd grade

Unit: 5

Lesson: 4





  A.  Preview the reading.

  B.  Practise silent reading.


some cards and a tennis ball.


A. (25m)






























B. (25m)


   ·   Open PB/36, What is the title? How many (lines/parts/pic's) are there? 49/7/5

   ·   ØLook at the 1st pic: What does it show? the Solar System.

   ·   Which para goes with this pic? Earth’s place in Space.

   ·   Is it one of inner plates nearer the sun or one of the outer planets further away from the sun? outer planets.

   ·   ØLook at the 2nd pic? What does it show? move my finger around the orbit of the Earth. The answer: How the Earth orbits the Sun. Why are there 2 Earths in this pic? To show where the Earth is at two different times of the year. Which para goes with this pic? The seasons

   ·   ØLook at the 3rd pic, S read aloud the caption, and ask, Which para goes with this pic? The Atmosphere

   ·   Look at the 4th pic, ask: What can you see in the North Pole and the south Pole? (ice) introduce Pole = the 2 ends of the Earth. ask: Which paragraph goes with this pic? Water.

   ·   What is the (inner/outer = surface) part of the earth is called? the center / crust . Which para goes with this pic? Inside the Earth

   ·   S look at the 1st para to find out the answer of this Q: What is the difference between the inner planets and the outer planets? The inner planets have solid (= the adj. from the n. solid) surfaces but the outer planets do not have solid surfaces.

   ·   ØLook at the 2nd pic p/36, say: in this pic half of the Earth is blue but the other one is darker. What is the word for the half of the Earth? hemisphere is the half of the Earth or anything shaped like a ball. Ask I S.A. in the northern hemisphere or the southern one? The northern one.

   ·   Hold up the ball, spin it and say: The Earth is spinning = moving round.

   ·   Move the ball to introduce:

   ·   Þ vertical: (adj.) stands straight up                                                  vertical                                           tilted            

   ·   Þ tilted:  to come in a sloping position.

   ·   Þ axis: the round line joining the North and South poles through the center of the Earth.

   ·   Þ angle: draw it as above and say: Space in a corner where the lines join.

   ·   Ask: What is the angle of the Earth's axis from the vertical line? 23° (degrees)



   ·   S read the reading and underline the words they don't know.

   ·   Þ statistics: are information in numbers.

   ·   Þ diameter: is the longest distance across a circle, a line passing through the center of a circle.

   ·   Þ spring: time of the year after the winter when the trees begin to grow.

   ·   Þ autumn: time of the year between summer and winter when the trees begin to fall.

   ·   Þ N ®   nitrogen           O ®   oxygen  

   ·   Þ vapour: something in the form of gas that is normally liquid or solid.

   ·   Þ mostly: the adv. from most. Þ elsewhere: in other places. Þ stream: a very small river.

   ·   Þ melt: change from solid to liquid. Þ stationary: standing in one place; not moving.

   ·   Þ Thus: in the way just mentioned.

   ·   Þ care for: look after. Þ unique: the only one of its sort. Þ lack of: be without ; not have.

