
Class: 3rd grade

Unit: 5

Lesson: 1





  A.  Discus The Solar System.

  B.  Practise Listening.

  C.  Discus The Sky at night.


poster 9, recording 10 and some cards


A. (15m)

















B. (10m)











C. (15m)

   ·   Hang up the poster, introduce the following words:

   ·   Þ Solar System: solar is the (adj) from the sun and The Solar System is the sun and the plants round it.

   ·   Þ star: draw it; one of the bright things in the sky at night.

   ·   Þ introduce some planets with some pic's.

   ·   Ask:

  1.   What is at the center of the Solar System? The sun.

  2.  What do the planets do? orbit the sun.

  3.  How many planets orbit the sun? 9

  4.  Where does the light come from in the Solar System?  the sun

  5.  What do we call things that like the sun that produce light? stars

  6.  Do planets produce light? No, they don't.

  7.  What is the nearest planet our Earth? The moon

  8.  What is the moon? a satellite = a small body moving in orbit round a planet.

  9.  How far away is the sun? 150 million kilometres.



   ·   Listen to the cassette and think about two things:

   ·   ð the moon does not produce a light, but we can see it at night.

   ·   ð The sun send out a light. What does send out mean?

   ·   play the cassette,  ask: Why can we see the moon at night? Because the moon reflect (give back light).

   ·   Say: The sun produce its own light. What does the sun do with this light? The sun radiate = (send out rays of light or heat) light.

   ·   S listen to the cassette again to answer this Q: Why is the moon brighter = (giving out a lot of light ; shining) than the stars? Because it is much closer to us than the stars.




   ·   Open PB/33, look at the pic and ask: What does this pic show? The Solar System

   ·   What does the second pic show? galaxy = a very large group of stars.

   ·   S read the captions there.

   ·   Þintroduce: universe: this world and all space.

   ·   Look at the discussion box, S answer the Q's.








S writ a fair copy of the paragraph on WR/B 25.