
Class: 3rd grade

Unit: 3

Lesson: 7





  A.  Review joining sentences with and or but.

  B.  Produce a paragraph together orally.


some cards, poster 6 & recording 7


A. (10m)


B. (30m)

   ·   Open WRB/16, look silently at the answers .


   ·   Look at the poster. Say: This table shows a plane in the service of Saudia - the Douglas DC-3.

   ·   Ask Q's from the left row, S answer form the right row.

   ·   Introduce:

   ·   Þ propeller: thing that is joined on a plane. It goes round fast to make the plane go foreword.

   ·   Þ wingspan: the length of both wings added together. (by drawing a simple plane)

   ·   Þ m: metre

   ·   Þ km/h: kilometres per hour

   ·   Þ hr: hour

   ·   Þ min.: minutes

   ·   Þ maximum: the opp. of minimum

   ·   Þ speed: what is measured in e.g., kilometres per hour

   *   The Q's and answers should be similar to this:

T: What is the name of the plane?

P1: the Douglas Dc-3

T: When was it introduced by Saudia?

P2: in 1947

T: How many seats did it have ?

P3 : 24

T: What was it driven by jets or propellers?

P4: propellers

T: What was its wingspan?

P5 : 29 metres

T: How long was it?

P6 : 20 metres long

T: How high was it?

P7: 5 metres high

T: Where did it fly ?

P8: from Jeddah to Riyadh to Hofuf to Dharan

T: What was its maximum speed?

P9: 346 kilometres per hour

T: How long did it take to fly from Jeddah to Riyadh?

Pi 0: 3 hours and 30 minutes

   ·   S look at the poster, play the cassette, point to the poster.

   ·   I'll write a paragraph about that plane on the board but S say the sentences.

   ·   Clean the board.

   ·   S open WRB/18, read aloud the ins. for ex. E, S do it for homework.




Correct the paragraph on writing book P/18