
Class: 3rd grade

Unit: 2

Lesson: 6





  A.  Revise 3 grammar points.




A. (40m)


   ·   Open PB/25, look at the 1st box, S read aloud the ins's. and the examples.

   ·   Do the same with the 2nd box.

   ·   S look at the 3rd box, S read aloud the ins. and example at A and B.. Write the examples on the board:


We have been polluting the rivers, seas and land for over 150 years.

HAS / HAVE + BEEN + V-ING ® the important think is the TIME


He has been doing his homework for 2 hours.

HAS / HAVE + P.P. ® the important thing is the #’S OF THINGS DONE


 He has done 5 exercises.




   ·   Point to the 1st sentence and ask: Can we change this sentence so that it begins “We have polluted” instead of “ We have been polluting. S say: We have polluted hundreds of rivers in that time.

   ·   Open PB/27. Read aloud the ins, situation and the 2 answers for Q's one.

   ·   S read aloud the situation in Q 2. S give the 2 answers.

   ·   The rest will be for homework.

   ·   Open PB/26, read aloud the ins, S look at the pic's, 3 of S's stand up and demonstrate the game.

   ·   Ask S to complete the game. 






















Complete PB/27.