
Class: 3rd grade

Unit: 2

Lesson: 3





  A.  Introduce the past perfect passive.

  B.  Revise simple present tag questions that expect the answer YES.

  C.  Introduce simple past tag questions that expect the answer YES





A. (10m)










B. (05m)


C. (25m)



   ·   Open PB/16, look at the grammar section, S read aloud the introduction.

   ·   Say: This sentence is passive because we are more interested in what happened than who did it.

              It is past perfect because it happened before the time in the sentence, before we arrived.

   ·   Write the base form and the past perfect passive


kill          had been killed

   ·   Do the same with the other verbs.

   ·   Open WB/18, ex. A, read aloud the ins. S read the situation in Q 1, S read the answer. Do the same with  # 2.


   ·   Open PB/17, box 1, read the ins., the examples and explanation in 1A & 1B.


   ·   Write this Q on the board:


You saw some men, didn't you? Yes, I did.

You come from this area, don't you? Yes I do.



   ·   Ask: What is the difference between these 2 Q's? The 1st one is past but the 2nd is present.

   ·   S look at PB,  box 2 P/17, S read the ins. at 2A, S read the parts of the reporter and the warden, others read aloud the explanation.

   ·   Do the same with 2B, S make Q's and answers for the pic's.

   ·   .Open PB/18, ex. B read aloud the ins, example and say the answer to Q 2.

   ·   S open PB/10. S write the answers to ex. A, P/18 and ex. B, P/18-19 for homework.




















Complete ex. A and B on WB/p 18-19