
Class: 3rd grade

Unit: 2

Lesson: 1





  A.  Discuss Conservation.

  B.  Practise listening.

  C.  Review Conservation.


Poster 3, the cassette & some cards


A. (20m)

















B. (15m)






















C. (10m)

   ·   Hang the poster and ask some Q's:

Ø pic. 1: Look at the man on the right: What is he doing? He is a reporter and he is interviewing a man. What are they talking about? the dead animals. Introduce rhinoceros. Ask What is the holding in his hand? a gun. Did this man shoot the rhinoceros? No, This man is called a warden and he works in a wildlife park.

Ø pic. 2: What are these men doing? They are shooting a rhinoceros. Where are these men from? Africa.

 Say: These men should not kill the rhinoceros. They are bad men. They hunt without permission. They are called poachers. Ask: Why do African countries want to protect the rhinoceros? Because the rhinoceroses endangered.

Ø pic. 3: What is this man doing? Introduce: elephant. Why does he want to kill the elephant? For those valuable parts, and leave the rest to rot.

Ø pic. 4: Are hunting and fishing allowed or not allowed? Not allowed (prohibit) . Is this man hunting or fishing?

Ø pic. 5: What can you see here? A dead animal and some men are driving  away fast? Why? They killed the elephant and they want to get away before the warden arrives.

Ø pic. 6: S read the sign, What is this unit about? conservation. = protecting the earth and the animals and plants on it.


   ·   Write these Q's on the board:

Does the reporter work for a newspaper, the radio or the TV? The radio

Where does this interview take place? in an African wildlife park

How many rhinoceroses are left on earth? Very few

What does the warden say we need? He says we need planned conservation.


   ·   S read aloud the Q's, play the cassette, S say the answers, write on the board:


an endangered  ____

is facing  ____

an ____ need

   ·   Point to the spaces , S listen to the con. S say the words that complete the sentences.


species   ® extinction  ® urgent

   ·   Introduce:

Þ species: A kind of plant or animal.

Þ face: I'll put my hand in front of my face and say: To face smoothing means to have it directly in front of you.

Þ extinction: the disappearance of the animal from the earth.

Þ urgent: very important, needing immediate action or attention.


   ·   Open PB/15, look at the Q's, S read the Q’s and answer them.

   ·   S read the ins. # 2, play the cassette, S complete.

                                                                ·   Look at part 3, S read the Q's and answer them, I'll accept any sensible answers.


S write a fair copy of para on WRB/7 onto WRB/8.