
Class: 2nd grade 

Unit: 2

Lesson: 5





  A.  Study rules for preventing Accidents in the Bathroom.

  B.  Prepare rules for Preventing Accidents in the Kitchen.

  C.  Begin writing rules for preventing Accidents in the Kitchen.


Poster 3 & 4 + some cards.



A. (20m)
















B. (15m)



















C. (05m)


   ·   Hang poster 3.... What does this poster show? a bathroom..... Point to the labels in turn and ask What is this? :A1: the floor ...A2: the floor ... A3: the bath, ask: Why is there a mat at the bottom of the bath? It prevent falls in the bath. ...A4: a light. ...A5: What comes out of this outlet?electricity. ...A6: What is this box for? medicine or first aid. ...N1: a radio. ...N2: What is this switch for? to turn the light on or off. ... N3: Point to it and A5 and say: they are both outlets but Whit is A5 for? for an electric razor.

   ·   Ask: Do you think these things are safe? unsafe .....When is the floor of the bathroom unsafe? when it is wet. ...What happen if you do not have a non-slip mat in the bath? you can fall.

   ·   Open PB/P16, read the title, look at the box /2 Say: Rules are things which you must or must not do.

   ·   S read 1, then the title: Prev.....

   ·   S read the passage silently... after 2m I will introduce: out of reach: if something is ~, you cannot reach it. .... switch: What you use to turn things on and off. 

   ·   Say these rules are made from the passage above. Ask S to read the rules and find the sentences  in the passage.




   ·   Hang poster 4....What does this poster show? a kitchen or accidents in the kitchen. ...point to the labels and ask: What is this? A1: a pot... say: The handle of the pot is tuned outwards. Is that safe or unsafe? unsafe... A2: the cooker ... A3: a knife.... What is the danger utensils like this? cuts  ... A4: Say the gas is under the pan. ... What is the danger here? gassing. N1: an outlet   Why is this unsafe? There are too many appliances in the outlet. ... N2: a fire.   What kind of fire is this? an oil fire. N3: water  N4: a pot.

   ·   Open WB/10, read the passage silently. After 2m I will introduce :

  1.  handle: You hold something with its handle, show S the handles of the pots, pans, the knife and the door.

  2.  inwards: the opposite of outwards.

   ·   Point to A1, say: Find the sentence in the passage about the handles of pots and pans.

   ·   Repeat the previous step with:.. the door of the cooker. .. about sharp utensils... gas... one electric outlet   

      an oil fire. .. wet hands. .. cooking.

   ·   Open PB/P16. Say this is a list of rules for preventing accidents in the bathroom. We are going to write a list of rules for preventing accidents in the kitchen. S will say those rules by using their books... I will write them on the board.




   ·   Open WB/P 10-11. A s read the ins for ex. B. S begin write the rules.





Complete WB/P11